Selasa, 28 Agustus 2007

it's such a peeeep thing...

ehm, ehm..ok, it's my 1st time to write in english, because of my english teacher in campus (joke.. of course..^^..teehee)
i still don't have any clue what to write about this time, this second... fyuuuhh...but i think, i will tell you about my wrong data in my english class (WHAT THE....!!)

yes,i want to declare you that my NIM is 16607097, tha's mine, just me, not anybody else's..but i was shocked when i saw in the announcement of the english placement test.. on that paper, the NIM is mine..but with wrong name!! OMG,,it's Telly Herawati written there! and my REAL name is Nisrina Setyo Darmanto...OMG,, this case agaaiiinn.. (you know, i do not find "Nisrina" in the placement test announcement!!)

But it's only happen in my english class, none of other sbujects have the same failure.. So i go to sos-tech for times, they said that they had changes my data, the said that they had fix it,, but what??? when i attend my english class.. the "Telly Herawati" appear again in the students absent!! it's really annoying...still a little annoy in me,, i have to wait until next Friday.. i hope the data will change into my real name... i wish m(-.-)m

it's my english blog.. actually i have my indonesian blog in my friendster accounts.. just contact to add my fs account.. c u

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